Making things with hands with brain, mostly for the Sunlight Foundation. I ALSO MAKE FEELINGS INSIDE.
6 stories

Taking the pulse of the federal government's web presence

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by Eric Mill, Julia Elman, Gray Brooks, and John Tindel

The U.S. federal government is launching a new project to monitor how it's doing at best practices on the web.

A sort of health monitor for the U.S. government's websites, it's called Pulse, and you can find it at

pulse homepage

Pulse is a lightweight dashboard that uses the official .gov domain list to measure two things:

These two things are just a start — there are a lot of other important things worth measuring! It's also important to note that Pulse is currently only measuring parent domains (e.g. and is not measuring subdomains (e.g.

The project will hopefully expand over time to measure more best practices and more websites. In the meantime, Pulse is a commitment by the U.S. government to build a world-class analytics program and to transition entirely to HTTPS.


pulse screenshot of analytics

Pulse is a collaboration between 18F and the Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP).

Like 18F, OGP is an office of the U.S. General Services Administration. Among many other things, OGP operates the .gov domain registry and the CIO Council, an interagency forum of Chief Information Officers.

18F previously partnered with OGP in December to release the complete .gov domain list. Since then, 18F has worked with the Digital Analytics Program to build, and has coordinated with a number of agencies to strengthen HTTPS for federal .gov domains. We're deeply gratified that we've had the opportunity to work with OGP to create a platform that continues this momentum.

How works

pulse screenshot of https

Pulse was created in around six weeks. We built the project in the open from Day 1, obtained our domain name and relevant cybersecurity approvals in our first couple weeks, and released new versions of the dashboard to early and often throughout the process.

We also gathered usability feedback throughout development from users both inside and outside of the government, and repeatedly incorporated the results of that feedback into our work. Even though Pulse is only a handful of pages and puts most of its data into a simple table, we wanted to pay attention to detail and take the same user-centered approach 18F takes with our larger projects.

Pulse is a static website whose data is created from a combination of sources:

  • The official .gov domain list. This is currently exported manually by GSA staff on a roughly quarterly basis.
  • The list of websites which participate in the Digital Analytics Program. This is also currently exported manually by GSA staff on a roughly quarterly basis.
  • Data collected from a public scan of how federal domains respond to HTTP and HTTPS, using an open source tool by Ben Balter called site-inspector.
  • Data collected from a public scan of HTTPS configuration details for federal domains, using the SSL Labs API.

To coordinate the data collection process, we created domain-scan, a small Python command line tool that runs domains through site-inspector and the SSL Labs API and produces CSV reports.

We then run these CSVs through a final step, where we take the low-level primitives we gathered during the scanning process and create some higher-level conclusions and save them in a format that Pulse can automatically render into a table.

The process is not fully automated, and so Pulse isn't updated every day. There's work to do on all of the above to get to the point of showing fully up-to-date data without human intervention.

Measuring participation in the Digital Analytics Program

pulse screenshot of analytics homepage

The Digital Analytics Program is a free, shared web analytics service for U.S. federal agencies.

To participate, agencies place some JavaScript on their websites that report to a combined analytics account. The Digital Analytics Program has privacy controls that anonymize visitor addresses and restrict data sharing.

Access to the account is shared within the federal government, and much of its data is shared publicly on The Digital Analytics Program also regularly publishes a list of around 4,000 participating websites that have reported visitor data in the preceding 2 weeks.

pulse screenshot of analytics domains

Pulse measures participation in the simplest way possible: by comparing the .gov domain list to the list of participating websites published by the Digital Analytics Program. It's not rocket science, but in the future we'd like to automate this process using the analytics-reporter tool we created for

Measuring HTTPS in .gov

pulse screenshot of https homepage

Enforcing strong HTTPS is an important baseline for government websites, and is in the process of becoming the baseline for the web at large.

HTTPS is simple enough to detect, but characterizing HTTPS support for a domain, precisely and reliably, is trickier than you might expect.

We lean heavily on the open source site-inspector, a command line tool written in Ruby. site-inspector measures various useful things about websites, and was originally written by Ben Balter to analyze .gov domains.

pulse screenshot of https domains

To get the precision we wanted, we needed to take into account several subtle things about domains:

  • Domains have 4 possible "endpoints" — https://www, https://, http://www, and http:// — which may each exhibit very different behavior. Describing a domain's HTTPS support means detecting which endpoint is "canonical," as well as looking holistically at which endpoints redirect to others.
  • A domain's HTTPS certificate might be issued for an invalid hostname (e.g. In this case, HTTPS is likely an unsupported way to access the domain.
  • A domain's HTTPS certificate might have an incomplete or untrusted chain (e.g. missing intermediates, or a private root certificate), in which case HTTPS is likely a supported way to access the domain.
  • A domain might set an HSTS policy for www, but neglect to apply one to the bare domain, negating HSTS policy for its other subdomains.
  • A domain might support HTTPS with a valid certificate, but have a policy of "downgrading" users by redirecting away from HTTPS to HTTP.

We use site-inspector to look at all of the above factors (and many more) and calculate a bunch of helpful things about a domain's HTTPS support. If you really want to dive deeply into the methodology, you can read the original work discussion.

To measure HTTPS quality, we lean on SSL Labs. SSL Labs' grading system has become a widely respected, universally referenced gauge of HTTPS quality. (Here's the report for Pulse itself.)

We used ssllabs-scan, an open source client for the SSL Labs API, to collect the top-level grade along with some common relevant issues that are worth addressing (such as forward secrecy, or the use of SHA-1 signatures).

Looking forward

We're still in the process of fully documenting the tools we used. If you're interested in using any of it in your own work, and you have questions about how to get started, ring in on GitHub. We're an open source team, and we'd love your contributions!

Pulse is clearly a small and simple website, but we think it's a promising foundation for celebrating (and motivating) the U.S. government's progress on making world-class websites and online services.

We're thrilled we had the opportunity to work with the Office of Government-wide Policy here at GSA to get Pulse started, and we hope others find it useful. Feel free to leave feedback on the project so far, and where to take Pulse next!

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3426 days ago
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Is It Christmas? Introducing a Channel to answer that simple question

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Is It Christmas? is a service that indicates whether or not it’s Christmas with a simple YES or NO response.

IFTTT Recipe: It's time to tweet about Christmas connects is-it-christmas to twitter

IFTTT Recipe: Notify my Android phone immediately upon Christmas connects is-it-christmas to android-notifications

IFTTT Recipe: Merry Christmas, iPhone connects is-it-christmas to ios-notifications

IFTTT Recipe: Privately share the arrival of Christmas with my GroupMe friends. connects is-it-christmas to groupme

IFTTT Recipe: Announce Christmas to a few family and friends connects is-it-christmas to gmail

For more Recipes that run the same day every year, visit the Is It Christmas? profile on IFTTT!

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3564 days ago
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Is It Christmas?

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3590 days ago
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Introducing the Sunlight Foundation Channel

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The Sunlight Foundation is a nonpartisan non-profit organization with a goal of increasing transparency and accountability in the United States Government.

Use the Sunlight Foundation Channel to follow bills as they move from scheduled votes in Congress to the President’s pen.

IFTTT Recipe: Email me whenever the President signs a new law connects sunlight-foundation to email

IFTTT Recipe: Ask my Facebook friends if they support bills that are scheduled for a vote connects sunlight-foundation to facebook

IFTTT Recipe: Post new U.S. laws to my Tumblr connects sunlight-foundation to tumblr

IFTTT Recipe: Text me whenever Congress schedules a vote on a bill connects sunlight-foundation to sms

No Sunlight Foundation account needed. Jump right in!

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3874 days ago
Yay I made this
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The Insecurity of Secret IT Systems


We now know a lot about the security of the Rapiscan 522 B x-ray system used to scan carry-on baggage in airports worldwide. Billy Rios, director of threat intelligence at Qualys, got himself one and analyzed it. And he presented his results at the Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit this week.

It’s worse than you might have expected:

It runs on the outdated Windows 98 operating system, stores user credentials in plain text, and includes a feature called Threat Image Projection used to train screeners by injecting .bmp images of contraband, such as a gun or knife, into a passenger carry-on in order to test the screener's reaction during training sessions. The weak logins could allow a bad guy to project phony images on the X-ray display.

While this is all surprising, it shouldn’t be. These are the same sort of problems we saw in proprietary electronic voting machines, or computerized medical equipment, or computers in automobiles. Basically, whenever an IT system is designed and used in secret – either actual secret or simply away from public scrutiny – the results are pretty awful.

I used to decry secret security systems as "security by obscurity." I now say it more strongly: "obscurity means insecurity."

Security is a process. For software, that process is iterative. It involves defenders trying to build a secure system, attackers -- criminals, hackers, and researchers -- defeating the security, and defenders improving their system. This is how all mass-market software improves its security. It’s the best system we have. And for systems that are kept out of the hands of the public, that process stalls. The result looks like the Rapiscan 522 B x-ray system.

Smart security engineers open their systems to public scrutiny, because that’s how they improve. The truly awful engineers will not only hide their bad designs behind secrecy, but try to belittle any negative security results. Get ready for Rapiscan to claim that the researchers had old software, and the new software has fixed all these problems. Or that they’re only theoretical. Or that the researchers themselves are the problem. We’ve seen it all before.

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3901 days ago
Always open. Always public. It is the only way.
3901 days ago
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3 public comments
3903 days ago
3903 days ago
It's not surprising in the least, my question is how do we change the industry to fix the problem?
3903 days ago
"Security is a process ... for systems that are kept out of the hands of the public, that process stalls."

The Door to the FISA Court

they should number it Room 641B  
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4101 days ago
Made Waxy! :)
4101 days ago
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1 public comment
4101 days ago
Interesting about the voicemail number.
Washington, District of Columbia